Three Tools for Evaluating Your Drinking Habits
A beer before a sports game. A glass of sangria on the beach while on vacation. A rum and coke for a friend’s birthday. A few glasses of wine after a long day. A bit of scotch before watching your favorite show.
What does your relationship with alcohol look like? Do you see each other never, once every couple of weeks, or a few times each day? Mindfulness and alcohol might not seem like they have a lot of connections on the surface, but we’re here to build the bridge. The next time you reach for your favorite beverage: slow down — focus on what you’re doing, keep some water nearby, and take other measures to drink responsibly.
Whether you’re looking to cut back your alcohol consumption, change the way you respond to stress, or generally feel more confident in building healthy habits, use these tools from some trusted resources to start checking in on your drinking habits:
Check Your Drinking Habits Quiz, Own Your Limits
Drinking Tracker Cards, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
What is Excessive Alcohol Use? Infographic, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention